By Shane Mason, Tryon Palace Historic Interpreter
I have always been captivated with the history of dueling. This interest led me in high school and college to participate in its derivative sport, fencing. I coached fencing at UNCC and won twice at the North Carolina State Games in épée fencing. Since New Bern is home to a very famous duel, the Stanly-Spaight duel that ended in the death of the last state governor to reside at Tryon Palace, I have been able to continue researching this fascinating subject.
The mix of fantastic idealism and grim fatalism, or the contrast between base violence and aristocratic refinement mark this very odd social practice. Anyone who reads about dueling is bound to find countless examples of duels fought for reasons that seem trivial.
German students in the early days of universities would hang lit lanterns from their windows when they were itching for a fight. A passersby could oblige them by throwing rocks at their lanterns and then insulting the owner when they appeared. That was all the pretext that was needed for a duel.
Thomas Stanly, brother of John Stanly who famously fought the Stanly-Spaight duel here in New Bern, lost his life in a duel after he accidentally splashed wine on his friend while trying to get a young lady’s attention.
Perhaps my favorite story is of the Italian man in the Renaissance that fought in over 10 duels to prove that Dante was a greater poet than Ariosto. He admitted on his deathbed that he had never read anything by either.
The female reader may laugh and shake her head at this. Only men, with their delicate egos and raging testosterone, could take part in such a dangerous and pointless activity. Right?
In 1792 Mrs. Elphinstone while on a social visit told her hostess, Mrs. Braddock, that she must have been quite a beauty in her youth (emphasis on been). “Forty years ago a man could not look upon you with impunity”. Braddock, understandably outraged, asserted that she was not yet 30 and challenged her guest to a duel in Hyde Park. The agreed upon weapons were pistols, both women fired and missed. Despite being implored by their seconds to stop, both women agreed to continue the affair with swords. Finally, Braddock injured Elphinstone on the arm. The women agreed that in addition to the injury, Elphinstone would make a formal written apology to Braddock and the breach would be healed. Both women curtsied to each other and left the field with honor.
While duels between ladies were far less common than between men. It seems that they were no less absurd.