

Pet: Punky 

Owners:  Susie and Kim Tilley

Punky is a ten-year old Ginger Domestic Shorthair cat, owned by Susie and her daughter, Kim Tilley.

Punky likes to “talk” and give his opinion on everything that is happening in the household, especially as he watches over his teenage pet-Mom, Kim, with devotion. Whenever she gets upset, or when she is crying, he comes into her room, meowing like crazy to get her attention. 

A true Diva, he always bathes in the middle of the floor so that he can garner everyone’s attention. “He is fabulous,” says Susie. “We have always said he is a drag Queen stuck in a cat body and has a flair for the dramatic. He is extremely extroverted and greets all visitors and entertains everyone who meets him.”

Punky also brings Kim makeup brushes as a gift when he looks for her in the night, and any time she raises her hand, he stands up on his hind legs to meet her. He sleeps in her bed, and crosses his hands like a proper kitty.   

“We love our cats,” says Susie. “We treat them as if they are members of the family. We adore them for their individual personalities and Punky absolutely adores his Kimbo. He wanders the house calling for her when she stays the night at friend’s houses. We dote on him so much and spoil him rotten.”

*Since this story was written, Punky has crossed over the Rainbow Bridge, but he will always be loved and remembered.*